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Events Programme for 2013-14

1.The Polish Army in Perth During World War 2

A talk by Steve Connelly, Archivist, Perth & Kinross Council. 

Date : 27th October 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Blackford Parish Church Session House

2.Cameron Walker : The Lost Dunning Soldier

A talk by Ted Dorset 

Date : 25th November 2013

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

3.Talk to be confirmed

Watch this space for further details.

Date : 28th January 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

4.Talk and Slide Show

A talk and slide show by Bill Revie

Date : 25th February 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

5.The Global Symbolism of Tartan

A talk by Brian Wilton, Scottish Tartan Authority

Date : 31st March 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

6.Romans and Picts in Aberdeenshire: The Hillforts of Strathdon

A talk by Murray Cook, Stirling Council Archaeologist.

Date : 28th April 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

7.Social Evening and AGM

Date : 12th May 2014

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

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