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Events Programme for 2009-10

1.Suits you Sir - The Story of a 17th Century Jacket

Talk by Susan Payne of Perth Museum and Art Gallery.

Date : 28th September 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

2.Enclosures : The Key to Farming Profit?

A talk by Ronald Baird on how the Enclosure Act affected the formation of farms in Scotland. 

Date : 26th October 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

3.A Slide Show of Perthshire

George and Olive Stoneley will give a slide show presentation of Perthshire.

Date : 30th November 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

4.The Last Days of Steam - Illustrated Railway Memories

Richard Beith, a member of Blackford Historical Society, will give an illustrated talk on the last days of steam trains.

Date : 25th January 2010

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

5.2009 Excavations at Forteviot

Dr. Tessa Poller of the SERF project will give an illustrated talk  on the 2009 excavations - this led to the unearthing of a Bronze Age cist in the remarkable landscape.

Date : 22nd February 2010

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

6.The Battle of Sheriffmuir based on Eyewitness Accounts

Bill Inglis will give a talk on the battle of Sheriffmuir using contemporary accounts.

Date : 29th March 2010

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

7.Who do you think you are? Tracing your Family Tree.

Colin Mayall, a local genealogist will give a talk on tracing your family history. 

Date : 26th April 2010

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

8.Walk to Carsebreck and AGM

The Society will meet at Blackford Church at 7.00pm and walk from Netherton to Carsebreck, the site of an intermittent railway halt used for curling matches on Carsebreck loch. 

Date : 17th May 2010

Time : 7.00pm

Venue : Blackford Church

After the walk, the Society will hold its Annual General Meeting.

Date : 17th May 2010

Time : 8.30 pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

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